Welcome to the Math+ML+X Lab!
Our research group focuses on the intersection of mathematics, machine learning, and real-world applications (X). We aim to bridge theory and practice by developing new mathematical frameworks and advancing machine learning methodologies, while applying them to solve practical challenges across various domains. Whether it’s theoretical breakthroughs or impactful solutions, our goal is to explore innovative ideas that push the boundaries of what’s possible. We are passionate about fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and making meaningful contributions to both academia and industry!
Looking for a Postdoc position? Drop us an email! THU students seeking a PhD, reach out!
Our Latests Publications
Our Events
We are excited to launch the Math+ML+X Seminar Series, a new platform dedicated to exploring the synergy between mathematics, machine learning, and diverse real-world applications (X). This seminar series brings together researchers at all career stages to share innovative ideas, foster collaboration, and showcase the latest advancements. Join us to dive into topics at the intersection of theory and practice!
We are Live!
We are excited to have our social media go live, follow us on X @MATH_ML_X_Lab and Wechat with the QR code below!